
Selasa, 24 Juni 2014

style in written english

1.             Question Tags (Pertanyaan Tegas) adalah suatu pertanyaan  pendek di akhir kalimat pernyataan yang berfungsi untuk mempertegas pernyataan yang bersangkutan.
Contoh :
 He is a doctor, isn’t he?
You are not happy, are you?
Mary isn’t here, is she?

2.             Redundancy ialah penggunaan kata-kata lebih banyak daripada yang diperlukan untuk menyatakan satu pikiran atau gagasan. Bila kata yang tidak diperlukan itu ditiadakan, arti kalimat tidak berubah. Bentuk redundancy meliputi tautologi, pleonasme, prolixity, sirkumlokusi, repetisi. Secara praktis istilah tautologi dan pleonasme disamakan saja, namun ada yang ingin membedakannya. Begitu juga dengan prolixity, dalam penggunaannya sering dianggap bersinonim dengan tautologi.
Contoh :
1.      Tautologi (tautology)
     Contoh tautologi:
    ”bonus tambahan ekstra” , ”hadiah cuma-cuma” , ”sejarah masa lalu”.
2.  Pleonasme
     Darah yang merah itu melumuri seluruh tubuhnya.
     Darah melumuri seluruh tubuhnya.
3.  Prolixity
    Anggur (wine) dideskripsikan secara berlebihan dengan frasa: minuman dewa yang
    sangat lezat ("a nectarian beverage")
    Ia tersenyum dengan bibirnya.
    Saat subuh pagi itu, ia menunaikan salat. Saat senja sore harinya, ia pergi ke masjid
    untuk salat magrib.
4. Sirkumlokusi (Circumlocution)
    Psikolog adalah seorang yang memiliki profesi dalam bidang psikologi.
5. Repetisi
    Repetisi adalah perulangan bunyi, suku kata, kata atau bagian kalimat.
    Ia adalah seorang pelajar yang mempelajari bidangnya dengan tekun.

3.         Participial adjective adalah adjective (kata sifat) yang berbentuk V+ing (Present
   Participle) dan V+ed (Past Participle).
             Contoh :
The girl is entertained. Girl merasa “terhibur”. The show is entertaining.
I am interested. He is interesting.
4.       Pronoun-antecedent agreement merupakan persesuaian antara pronoun dengan antecedent dalam hal numberperson, dan gender.
Contoh :
You should take off your shoes there.
They took off their shoes there.

5.       Inderect object mengidentifikasikan untuk siapa tindakan tersebut dibuat. Direct
         object dan inderect object adalah orang, tempat, atau sesuatu yang berbeda. Direct object dalam kalimat berikut ini adalah yang dicetak tebal. Indirect onject yang bercetak miring.
Contoh :
The instructor gave his students A’s.
Grandfather left Rosalita and Raoul all his money.
Jo-Bob sold me her boat.

Kamis, 29 Mei 2014


1. Once a week, conte brings the team to the beach (simple present)
2. Bufon is writting a letter right now  (present continous)
3. Pirlo repaired the computer which is located in the living room (simple past)
4. The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store (past continous)
5. Many basket ball players have trained that king of dribble style (future perfect)
6. Messi and Fabregas had repared many cars before they received their mechanic license (past perfect)
7. Chef Evra will finish the dish by 05.00 p.m (simple future)
8. Kangen band will be performing a song entitled “Cinta terlarang” on song the stage at 08.00 p.m (future continous)
9.  They will have completed the project before the deadline (future perfect)
10.The load guitarst of flash god apocalypse smashedhis guitar in their last concert (simple present).

Gerund, Invinitive and Adverb


Contohnya :
  1. Working maybe hard for lazy people.
  2. I hate swimming in river.
  3. I watched one tiger sleeping in the grass in zoo.
  4. My Girlfriend favorite activity is shopping.
  5. My Father taught me not lying about my academic work.


Adverb of Time

Contohnya :
  1. Carlos Teves arrives from Milan today.
  2. She’ll prepare for the final test from now to the next tuesday.
  3. Balotelli finally found a solution to solve his academic problem.
  4. I paid a call my brother in the hospital last week.
  5. Please call me later, I’m working now.
Adverb of Place
  1. My house faces west.
  2. Pogba works in Turin for a while.
  3. He is watching the football match there.
  4. They built a house ten miles north of Cikempong.
  5. The child went outdoors.
Adverb of Manner
  1. The toaster will automatically turn off.
  2. The rich woman learned from experts how to arrange flowers beautifully.
  3. Students have to walk calmly in the school.
  4. Please read the instructions carefully before you filling the form.
  5. He said that he always drives fast.
Adverb of Frequency
     1. I always do my homework on time. - In this sentence always shows us the frequency (how often) I do my homework on time.
     2. She goes out occasionally. - In this sentence occasionally shows us the frequency (how often) she goes out.
     3. I always update the calendar at the beginning of the month.
     4. Poetria often takes notes during the Skype sessions.
     5. I usually have to get up early to walk Laika.


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